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Unisonic - For the kingdom - Testi - TrovaCd
Unisonic - Light of Dawn




29 luglio 2014

Heavy Metal









5 giorni dall'ordine


€ 11,10


4.  For the Kingdom

There once was a land
with no past and no future
No sacred regime to behold just blankness in time
Like eyes of a stranger

Out of the dark they awoke from their slumber
The prophets and saints were long gone so where are they now
Will they ever return

One chance worth taking
One chance to learn

For the kingdom of the glorious
We lay down our arms and bear no malice to anyone

For the kingdom and the sanctuous
We are pawns and knights
But bow to no one at all

Set in the minds of the rulers and leaders
A plan to have more than the most
They lead us to hope
We are sheep in the desert

Why am I here? Asks the slave to his master
There must be a resons for life
A life like my own
This can't be the end

Rise above the deception
We don't need to pretend

For the kingdom of the glorious
We lay down our arms and bear no malice to anyone

For the kingdom and the sanctuous
We are pawns and knights
But bow to no one at all

We're riding
For the kingdom of the glourious
We lay down our amrs and bear no malice to anyone

For the kingdom and the sanctuous
We are pawns and knights
But bow to no one at all

Now the game is still on the board
It's your call

You must not forget pride comes before a fall

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